Affordable Ways to Decorate Your Home
Once you get the big move done and out of the way, it’s time to make your new house feel like home. Our Alpharetta residential movers know that moving is not cheap. Spending even more money to decorate the new walls and spaces in your home can be a stress on the bank account. Thanks to our Georgia moving company, you don’t have to break the bank to create a beautiful home. Here are our tips for affordable ways to decorate your home.
Tip 1: Declutter and Get Organized
You’ll never know where you need to add a picture or rug if your home is covered in stuff. Hopefully, you’ve been doing a lot of purging during the moving process. Make sure you unpack and get everything put in it’s proper place before worrying about decorating. Utilize all the storage space you have in desks, dressers, bins, etc. to make everything easier. If you’re handy, build storage! Desks, shelves, and more can add an element of design and decoration to any room.
Tip 2: Lighting Can Make a Big Difference
Instead of buying all sorts of new sheets, paint, and décor, try to play with the lighting. You can transform a room by replacing a lampshade or changing its color. This can change the entire look and feel of a room by paying attention to lighting.
Tip 3: Sew and Save
If you know how to sew, you can save big. You can sew your own decorative pillows, bedding, curtains and more instead of paying big bucks for the designer brands.
Tip 4: Add a Coat of Paint
Sometimes a room simply needs a fresh coat of paint to make the décor work. Whether it’s a color refresh or a color change, it can make a big difference. Looking to refresh your kitchen? Change up the color of your cabinets and you’ll experience a whole new look.
Tip 5: Visit Estate Sales
You can get great quality furniture, decorations, and décor from estate sales for cheap. It’s an affordable alternative to expensive furniture store shopping. You can find unique and classic items that you won’t see at your friends and family’s homes.
Tip 6: Paint the Ceiling
The latest trend is to add a pop of color to the ceiling. This adds an interesting element to the room and gives you something to look up to. Look for pastel-like colors to add without taking away from the rest of the room.
Tip 7: Add a Welcome Mat
An easy way to make your home more inviting is to simply place a welcome mat outside your door. You can create your own with stencils! There are also inexpensive options at home retail stores like HomeGoods, Target, and others.
Tip 8: Bathroom Refresh – Change Up Shower Curtain
Refreshing your shower curtain is the best way to change the look and feel of your bathroom. There are tons of options that can match any décor you are looking for.
Our Georgia moving company understands that the last thing you want to do after moving is spend a ton of money on décor. We hope these tips from our residential movers in Alpharetta help you transform your home on a budget. For more tips on moving, call our team at USA Family Moving today.